
One for all and all for marketing

Under the influence of modern requirements, professions appear almost every day that exempt from 8 hours of sitting in the office. Now lying at home and working in the overseas market is easier than ever. You have a wide range of positions. Choose what you like best. This list includes a business analyst, data analyst, content manager, account manager and a huge offer for marketers.

Modern companies have a slightly modified approach to business. First of all, they are looking for people who would research the market and be able to distinguish them from others. Of course, marketers who are ready to analyze, create a strategy and promote a product come to the rescue. They pay the lion’s share of brand recognition. For this reason, today’s article is devoted to Internet marketing. Your mother or grandmother will no longer ask what you do because we will analyze the typical questions “What?” and “Why?”.

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Marketing – is a task of the trend, creation of demand. Your activities are focused on achieving the company’s goals. First of all, it combines such aspects as:

  • analytical (understanding of the market and competitiveness);
  • active (market penetration);
  • ideological (belief in the product, its impact and benefits, convey the idea)

We are currently talking about Internet marketing, because it is becoming extremely popular, and there are not enough specialists. You are on the world wide web and with the help of digital tools you influence the brand. No wonder they say that “the Internet is a great force.” First of all, you carry out a promotion, highlight its possibilities and select the target audience of influence.

To provide more information and get everything from the original source, talk to Mykhailo Svistun. He is a professional. As proof of this, he has dozens of speeches at conferences, business and startup schools every year. “I can say that marketing is my life. I studied it at the university, I am happy to do it now. There have been sales in my life, of course, but my main occupation has always come first. ” He advises you to try a lot and determine the direction in which you are most comfortable.

We asked where to get skills, especially if the person is studying or has received education in another specialty. Books and live communication are priceless. Mykhailo advised us Lviv Internet-Marketing School (LIMS).

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“I enjoyed being the speaker because the audience was responding. They actively “cooperate” with You, because they came for knowledge. People had an initial sub- grunt and a great desire. They knew what they were doing and why, so it was even more pleasant to tell. That’s cool.” There were few abstract theories and many applied things.

Studying at LIMS helps you become an internet marketer or take your business to a whole new level in the online network. There are no age restrictions or experience. You want to try something new, come to school, study, work on 12 topics and get a Marketing or Marketing Profi certificate.